Monday, October 29, 2007

Thing # 23 The End- The Beginning

OOPS, I was going to title this post the END but it isn't the end, it the Beginning!! I feel like I am almost as smart as my 10th grader! Hey that could be a game show!! I say "almost" because I have only scrapped the surface of the technology that he is using daily without much thought. It has been a eyeopener in a good way in that I have learned about so many things that are out there that can make my job easier and more enriching. Tagging is everywhere if you look, almost every website has a tag search feature. How much easier could it get than that? More information is being fed to me in one day than I could read in a week, a month!! I intend to continue on with my newfound interest and use my new skills to just get out there.

Thing # 22 audiobooks

I spent some time exploring Overdrive, and found the tutorial very helpful. Audio books are wonderful, I use them all the time. I even bought an Ipod just for this purpose. You can imagine my surprise when I found out that Apple doesn't support free downloads etc. so I am really looking forward to the day when they do. I keep hearing that they are in negotiaions blah blah blah but no agreement has been made yet.....stay tuned. I will also be trying to download cd's and videos wow that sounds great. We must have Microsoft media player to do this so I guess i"ll have to do it at home since we are sans Microsoft here at HCL.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Thing #21 Podcast

Been exploring podcast lately and finding my impressions mixed. Yahoo pod cast directory will no longer be active after October 31. similarly I found that Podcastally listed podcast that were old-er. aug 2006 I found some interesting things. Then I took a different route to locate interesting podcast. At the Baltimore Symphony website there are podcast for recent concerts. Thats more like it. It also advertised upcoming podcast for upcoming concerts Nadja Salerno Sonnonberg with Marin Alsop. Yeh, thats what I am talking about!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing # 20 You Tube

I have seen and used You Tube for some time, never really liked it. I find its is too hard to find the good stuff. This time I used the tag Library, thinking that surely more wholesome useful stuff would come to the surface, WRONG. There are some twisted people out there. I get that its fun to see your friends on the computer ripping a tune on their guitar, or doing the daring skateboard stunts. It is hard and time consuming to find the good stuff unless you really know what you are looking for or if you are looking for someone or something specific.
I did attach a video from Karma Tube (You tube relative) that if very worthwhile. It's called Johnny the Bagger and I hope you enjoy it!

Thing # 19

Web. 20 Award Winners
this is an event calendar a service of It is comprehensive, and very much like alot of the services we find on yahoo. (think flickr) Some of its features are Maps with locations all around the US and the world and click on a location and events there will come up . Organized by date. Today Tomorrow yesterday next week next year. whatever. Site is very easy to maneuver through. some is its most useful features are tags for searching for related events, sign up or reservation link, photos, comment field, watch list, and maps (mentioned above) There is a link to related events and a My Event page as well as a my scrapbook. Of course there is a networking feature so you can plan with friends and relatives anywhere in the world.
Libraries could certainly put their events programs on the site, its free did I mention that? I checked out an opera concert at the Peabody Institute in baltimore. And could easily find other music or opera events coming up.
I give this site a 3 thumbs up. and if it could generate enough business or hits would be a terrific success.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thing #18 volunteer program

The volunteer program at Howard County Library is active. There are over 200 volunteer volunteer over 600 hours per month.

Thing # 17 Sandbox

Knitters are everywhere!! I always enjoy reading about what knitter are up to. They are so busy, with their latest project!! I have quite a stash now, so I am always looking for new ways to use it. Sandbox is so much fun!

Thing # 16 wiki

Wikis and the Library- A One Stop Shop
Wiki's are an ingenius way to collect information and have it be easily accessed by many people. I looked at the SJCPL wiki and found it very interesting. My first impression is that the intial interface was not very attractive or eyecatching. But after using it which was very easy and intuitive, I didn't care that it was not appealing because it was so useful. I looked at the subject headings and was impressed with the extent of the contents. For example, under the subject heading Legal Information was a list of what librarians can and can't do, weblinks to lots of government agencies (social service and judicial, police) , local, state codes, law related websites, free forms, library materials by catagory, related periodicals etc. It is very extentive and EASY TO USE. The subject heading "pets"had the library materials (books, periodicals, DVD) as well as local shelters, adoption centers, related blogs, etc.
Wiki and Library seem to go hand in hand here. Information is plentiful and easy to access
It is also centrally located. In the last discussion about the future of librarys Rick anderson suggest that librarys find a way of brining the information to the customer instead of relying on the customer visiting the library. This appears to be part of the answer to this.
It is a One Stop Shop for customers looking for information about a certain subject.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thing # 15 Future

Rick Anderson has nailed it. His article Away from Icebergs aptly describes the future of libraries in a simple easy to understand way. Three problems with the way we presently provide service are highlighted
"Just in case" collections (those collections we keep just in case someone, somewhere may need them ) make us feel as though we have to row faster and faster, trying to keep up with growing feeling that libraries must have everything.......the fast moving tide of new technology and the every growing and changing wave of resources and the ways we access them. He makes those just in case collections sound very..... well unnecessary, archaic and well just obsolete.

He talks about Reliance of user education. What he means is that, the tools we have now to access our information are too difficult to use. Hours and hours are spent trying figure out how to use the dang thing. If we need extensive training to use it, it is too hard to use and customers surely will go elsewhere to get what they need.
and the last problem with libraries to day is the idea of access to information. In the past customers must come to the library to get what they need. In the future, what they need will come to them. Big changes are coming. think RSS on a global scale.

He alow